Hungarian Chicken Paprika Recipe

Hungarian Chicken Paprika Recipe
Chicken paprika is one of those long standing Hungarian recipes that everybody seems to love. The sweet paprika Hungarian Chicken Paprika Recipelends it’s flavor well to the sour cream in this chicken paprika recipe. Pretty easy too! The hardest part is to brown chicken and vegetables and let it simmer.
Hungarian Chicken Paprika Recipe Ingredients:
6 to 8 boneless chicken breast

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon black pepper

2 ½ tablespoons sweet paprika

2 tablespoons vegetable oil

2 large tomatoes, diced

2 medium onions, chopped

½ cup sour cream
Hungarian Chicken Paprika Recipe Instructions:

Season the boneless chicken breast with the salt and pepper. Heat the vegetable oil in a large skillet over a medium heat. Brown chicken on all sides then remove from the skillet and set to the side.
In the same skillet, stir in the onion and cook until tender and partially brown. Stir in tomatoes and paprika and return the chicken to the pan. Cover and simmer 30 minutes or until the chicken is tender.
Take the chicken out of the pan and put on a serving dish. Add the sour cream to the tomato and sweet paprika mixture that remains in the pan and heat to warm. Do not boil. When warm, pour the tomato, sour cream, and sweet paprika sauce over the chicken and serve with noodles.


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